Fabric Shelters for Vehicle Inspections

Vehicle Inspection Shelters, Government

When government agencies find it necessary to conduct vehicle inspections, they need to provide shelter for their personnel. Because vehicle inspection checkpoints, by their nature, are conducted on or near a road, a temporary structure is needed. That’s where Big Top comes in. Our fabric structures can be anchored to asphalt and are, therefore, a convenient way to protect roadside security operations.

Protection from the Elements

Having to work outside means your staff is at the mercy of the elements, but not when they can operate under the shelter of one of our structures, which will protect them from the wind, rain, and the sun. In fact, the fabric roof is designed to repel 99.95 percent of harmful UV-A and UV-B radiation, protecting your personnel and your equipment from sun exposure. This has the added benefit of keeping the interior of the shelter at a comfortable temperature that is, on average, 15 degrees cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than the outside temperature. Additionally, our fabric shelters can be engineered for heavy wind and snow loads.

A Design to Fit Your Vehicle Inspection Operations

Big Top’s fabric structures can be built to cover however many lanes you need, thanks to their modular design. The translucent fabric allows in plenty of natural light during the day, but if your vehicle inspections continue into the night, we can also set up your shelter for artificial lighting. Additionally, we can install climate control so that your staff can conduct inspections in privacy.

San Ysidro – A Case Study

As an example of how Big Top provided a solution for the U.S. Border Patrol, consider our work in San Ysidro, the busiest land port entry in the world. We were able to build shelters for 17 different vehicle inspection checkpoints along the U.S.-Mexico border, where security agents are now operating comfortably under shade.

For more information about our fabric structures, or for more examples of how they’re used as vehicle inspection checkpoints by government agencies across the nation, contact Big Top today.