Fabric Covered Structures Can Benefit Businesses that Operate Outdoors

Fabric Covered StructuresFabric covered structures can benefit most any business that operates outdoors. One reason is that they create a safe and comfortable working environment for employees. Too much heat – or too little, for that matter – poses a great risk to those that work outside. Frequent downtime is a necessity to avoid weather-related injuries like heat stroke and frostbite. Fabric covered structures, however, can provide the perfect atmosphere to keep productivity levels high.

Big Top, established in 1979, is a nationally recognized name in fabric buildings. As a custom manufacturer, we work closely with our customers to ensure their buildings have all the features they need to have. We can provide engineering services for those in areas with above average wind load, snow load, or seismic activity. We can also integrate add-on features such as HVAC, specialty doors, lighting, and flooring.

Other benefits that you can expect from Big Top’s fabric buildings include:

  • Durability – The frames that support our buildings are made of industrial-grade, galvanized steel. Plus, our fabric is rip resistant and flame retardant.
  • Energy efficiency – On average, our buildings offer a difference of 15 degrees from the outside temperature (cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter). Plus, we offer translucent fabric that lets natural light through, which can reduce or eliminate reliance on artificial lighting.
  • Space – Our fabric buildings are dome shaped and have wide openings in the front and back (which can be covered). Plus, they don’t rely on any vertical support poles or guy wires, maximizing the space inside.

For more information about our fabric covered structures, contact Big Top today. One of our knowledgeable representatives will be glad to assist you.

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