Why Fabric Structures Are The Best Environmental Building Solutions
There are many reasons why fabric structures are becoming the leading building solutions, including their cost effectiveness, durability, and ability to be completely customized to the needs of each project. In fact, many commercial and industrial buildings are now being built with fabric structures because they not only stand out but also cost half as much as traditional construction projects, while providing the same high-quality features and amenities as other building types. Here are some of the key benefits of fabric structures that demonstrate why they are the best environmental building solutions currently available.
They offer highly efficient thermal insulation
Unlike older building materials, fabric structures can be designed to offer high thermal insulation in both summer and winter. This is possible because of their unique textile properties which can expand and contracting across a wide range. As a result, fabric structures use as much as 50% less energy than more traditional building solutions for heating or cooling purposes. In some climates, such structures can even be completely energy self-sufficient through passive solar heating and cooling systems.
They are portable
Unlike other building options, fabric structures are modular. This means they can be assembled, disassembled and moved with ease. It is much easier to change locations or functions of a fabric structure than it is to relocate a conventional building. This portability makes them perfect for construction sites that need flexibility in order to work efficiently. They are reusable: Many traditional structures are built to be used once and then demolished, meaning they cannot be reused or recycled afterward.
They are flexible and can be erected quickly
A modular fabric structure can be erected in only weeks, instead of months. This means you can construct a building exactly where you need it. You don’t have to worry about getting things in place before bad weather sets in, or wasting valuable time and materials waiting for roads to be built or foundations to dry. You simply pack up your fabric modules and build somewhere else. Conventional buildings need to be constructed on permanent foundations which take a long time and are often very expensive.
They require no expensive foundations
Using a fabric structure eliminates foundation construction costs, saving on resources and energy. As well as eliminating or lowering any negative eco footprint. That’s just icing on an already delicious cake.
Their materials can be reused in another environment when they become obsolete
With their flexibility, fabric structures are perfect for reusing as new materials. Whether they’re being used as portable studios or outdoor stages, there is no reason why these types of fabrics can’t be repurposed into new buildings when they become obsolete. In fact, some research suggests that it may even be cheaper to recycle these fabrics than it is to scrap them and start over. This idea also opens up options for businesses who want to move from one place to another without having to relocate.
They are cost effective (shortened construction period, no wasted material, etc.)
When compared to permanent buildings, fabric structures are much more cost effective. They are much easier to assemble, and it takes less time than building a concrete structure. Additionally, there is no need for full foundations or complicated cutting of foundation holes. When working with a prefabricated steel structure you have everything all pre-cut for you so there is minimal waste and mess. This streamlines construction saving money and time!
They are reusable after their lifespan expires
This is of course a big plus to environmental impact. Materials that can be recycled and reused again are better for our planet than those which cannot. When you’re done with your structure, you can reuse it in another location, or even sell it back to us and we’ll refurbish it and resell! This keeps all materials out of landfills and puts them right back into effective use.
Because they are temporary structures, they do not harm the environment
It’s no secret that buildings are one of the biggest environmental destroyers on Earth. It takes a lot of energy to make buildings and then even more energy to keep them warm or cool. Since fabric structures aren’t permanent, they don’t affect their environment in quite as big a way. They only need to exist long enough for their use and then they can be broken down and used elsewhere; unlike permanent buildings that leave scars on our landscapes forever. Because they are so flexible, you can use them in all kinds of environments: This is especially handy if you live in an area that gets very harsh winters or summers, because these temporary structures will handle both easily.
Because they provide full protection from any weather conditions, maintenance is limited to replacing worn out components instead of entire structures as is often required with traditional building materials.
You’ll also be able to enjoy your building structure for much longer than with traditional materials. You don’t have to worry about rotting beams or wet brick mortar affecting your building structure; just replace worn out components and you can keep it in good working order indefinitely. In other words, you can count on them! And, since ours are available in custom shapes, colors, and sizes, it is possible to combine them with other building materials to construct a truly one-of-kind structure for your home, office or even military base. That’s the Big Top Way!